
Posted February 13, 2021

9 effective tips for creating campaign landing pages


Generating genuinely useful and intuitive landing pages is a great way to increase engagement and interaction with your audience. These 9 handy tips will set you on the path to achieving your core campaign objectives.

1. Know Your Landing Page Goal(s): Do you want to convert visitors into buying something now, to receive a free gift in exchange for their contact details, to subscribe to a newsletter or to follow you on social media? Have one primary goal above all others for your landing page, and make sure the hierarchy of your page’s content reflects that goal.

2. Speak to Your Customer: Your landing page must speak directly to your market and consumer persona. It cannot be a “catch-all” that “speaks to everyone”. Catch-alls catch very little, and nothing speaks to everybody. Research your persona(s) and focus on them. If you have several personas to cater to, don’t feel like one landing page needs work for them all, make separate pages that speak their language.

3. Appeal to Their Emotional Side: Purely emotional campaign content performs about twice as well as rational content alone. People use their emotions to make connections and decisions with and about brands – they then use logic to support their decision.


4. Test Everything: This is especially important if your business is relatively new to Digital Marketing. The more data you have the more powerful your campaigns will become. Whenever possible, we’ll always encourage our clients to a/b test (keeping variables to a minimum) so you paint a clear picture of what your users want. Even for seasoned digital marketers, you should never stop learning about your audience. They, after all, never stop evolving.

5. Keep it  Visual: Photos, video, diagrams and colour – when used right – can be leveraged to make your content easier to digest, and more engaging, all of which correlates with better conversion results.

6. Keep your headline consistent with you ad/campaign: When your user is drawn to your landing page, they’ll typically have been directed there from another location. One of the key things that’s overlooked is consistency between ad creative and the headline/page content. If a user lands on your page, it means they’ve already responded positively to your CTA – so reinforce their decision and give them the content you’ve promised.

7. Make Your Page Mobile Friendly: In 2021, we shouldn’t have to say this, but we still do! The vast majority of internet browsing is done on smartphones. Even if you’re a strictly B2B business, and a large proportion of your audience will be on desktop – why would you alienate those people who are browsing on the ‘go’?

8. Tell Them What to Do: You have persuaded your readers to get this far, so make sure you keep the last part of your conversion journey as clear as possible. This is no time for subtlety with web browsing. Think about all the points on your page where a reader may have made a decision – and ask yourself if your CTA is immediately available at those points.

9. Consider SEO: This is particularly important when your campaign has the potential to be evergreen or the landing page is designed for longer term use or content marketing (rather than a short term PPC/SMM). You need to ensure the keyword(s) being targeted are consistently and naturally incorporated in your copy, images and headings.

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